Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Update

Hey Ladies how are you all doing?

                  Well I have not posted in a while so here it goes. I have been a stay at home mommy for almost two years now. I have gotten in to the hang of thangs. I think its getting more easyer to do things now the older she gets. I am able to get some cleaning done now she will actualy play in her room with out me having to keep a eye on her as much. Yes, I still walk down the hall to make sure she is ok. She try's to help me clean also now. She loves to help me put laundry in the washer and dryer. She had gotten to the place that she hands me the dishes out the the dish washer. She is just so stinken cute. Has anyone 19 month old not like to take naps either? she has gotten to the place where I can put her down at two pm for a nap and she will not actualy get to sleep till 4 or so.

                I am getting to the place that I am happyer being a stay at home mom it may be harder money wise but I am saving so much money by keeping her out of a day care, place's here where we live it is like 150.00 a week just for day care. That would be almost my whole pay check for two weeks. I am also loving watching her grow and all the new stuff she learns to do. Anyone have any potty traning tips for me? we are gonna start to hit that hard soon. She has hit that stage where she is all the time takeing her clothing off. She has also figured out she can take her diapers off all the time. for some reason she is wanting to all the time run around naked. I guess thats ok for now but the older she gets the more its not ok.

Well going to go for now.

---The Stay At Home Mommy---

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Stay at Home Mommy

Hey everyone,

    I am so sorry I have not been on in a while. I have had a lot going on in my family lately. Last friday my daddy was put in the hospital for heat exaustion. They gave him a bag of fluids and took his vitals and they looked good and he was really dehydrated. I am happy to say not that he is doing better. Then on Saturday night I was called and told that my step-uncle had passed away at his college calss reuniuon. He had a massive heart attack and passed quickly and since he passed away in a public place there has to be an investigation. Now, I know there is going to be a trip to FL for the wake. OK enough on this depressing news cant think about this anymore.

       This month has fealt like its been slowly going by. Well, in just a few weeks all the kids here go back to school if you ask me it just feels like they have just gotten out of school. I am so happy I have alreay done my time in school. What is the one thing your kid had to have before they go back to school? Me when I was going to school I always wanted Gel Pen's!!! I dont know if yall remember thoes or not but I sure do. You could right on your hand all you wanted and not get in trouble in my house. I wish they had the cloting markers by Crayolia like the do now. Me and my friends use to always use to love to wright all over each others pants!! I had art class and man did I enjoy that one but now I am lucky if I have 10 Min to my self. My friends use to have the mini sharpies and it was fun to use them. When we had computer class together we where allowed to use AIM and we use to message each other in class lol. I would love to know what kids get to do during school now.

Now to tend the 18 month old

Have a wonderful day all

The Stay At Home Mommy!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Reviews and Advertising

Are you a business owner, independent contractor, distributor or know someone who is. Please send them our way. We would love to do a review for you. PERKS of doing reviews with us! All leads will be directed to you! If we love the product our business will stay with you! Free advertising! We would dedicate a photo album to your product! Do a weekly shout out! Send all our friends and family your way! Message us on facebook or email us at We look forward to spreading the love!

Be The One Run, Portland Oregon July 15 th 2012

Hey everyone. As some of you know my family and I are all about helping others. We are members of Be the Match marrow registry. We love this foundation and want to help as much as we can. More Info to come. Please check them out

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

AJ's Corner Store Photo Contest

Are you in for a treat. We are hosting a giveaway for AJ's Corner Store. These are hand crafted creations by the hands of a loving mother. Please check out the facebook page for more details.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Silver Creek Falls Oregon, Family Hike

So my family and I love going on hikes. We started before I got pregnant with Little Man Dakota. We continued as much as we could until I was put on bedrest. When He was 6 Weeks old we hiked to the top of Multnomah falls. Ill post photos of that hike also. But I will make a list of everything we took and how we were able to Hike over 3 miles with a two year old and a five month old with no issues. Need I mention most of it was up the side of a mountain. Please share your family outings. We would love to hear about them. Also share where you go and what you take and how you keep the little ones happy.
The things that we took were Two Child carrying backpacks. A water bottle for each person Extra water just in case. Snacks Sandwiches Each person had a sweater Baby had a blanket Baby had toys One childs backpack with attachable leash for when she walked on her own. and all four of us.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

New Adventure of the Stay at Home Mommy

       So I have started and new adventure I am a Partlites Consultant. I am ready to see how this is going to work. I am excited to help with the bills. I am happy and ready to meet new people. I know this will work to my advantage because I can work on my time and around other thangs I have to get done. I can stay at home and make money nothing is more important to me than to be at home with my little girl and watch her grow up. I also know that I can help my family out with other thangs that we need. Hubby thinks its a good idea for me to sale them because they are the only candles that he is not allergic to. They also are all natural and if your children spill or tuch the wax its not hot, its also easy clean up if it gets on the floor. I am just so exited!!!  I am also happy to say that we as a family are going out of town to go and see fireworks tomorrow. So what are you all doing for the forth of july??

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Dear Crissy Giveaway!!

Go to Dear Crissy on facebook. Like her page and enter to win. This is so cute. I have an old one that I got years ago as a Graduation present from my parents. Its time for an UPGRADE> Click the link below.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

How the Mommies Met!

It is always exciting to meet new people and getting to know them. I love it more then most think which I believe is why excel in my line of work. But the funny part is how I meet my friends. How I met my husband is a very funny and I do have to admit cute story. But that is for another day. This is about the mommies.

It was a cold winters day. HAHA. I was working at a local hotel as a front desk agent. In other words the first person you see and the last person you see coming in and leaving the hotel. I would spark up conversations just to pass the time checking people in. I took the time getting to know our guests. This guy with a funny accent checked in with one of our corp group training classes.  His accent really wasn't all that funny but he stood out. We started talking about our kids and spouses. My daughter just turned 10 months and his little girl just turned 2 months. We shared photos and chatted when he would pass on his way in and out of class.
The last night he was there he was showing me some adorable photos of his little girl wearing these most adorable hair pieces. He then told me his wife made them. Right then and there I knew I would like her because she was crafty and a mommy. He gave me his information and I instantly friend-ed her on Facebook. It was slow to start but eventually we would start talking almost everyday.
We would talk and share and comment on each others photos and realized hey we actually like each other. That right there was the start to a beautiful long distance friendship. Although we hardly talk on the phone. Maybe one or two phone conversations we are always texting and messaging and emailing and commenting on each others stuff.  I do have to say. Although our friendship started off in the most unusual way I wouldn't change it for the world. I love her just the way she is. Now if that isn't a cute how we met story I don't know what it is.
It is crazy how you can live thousands of miles away and still have a good friendship with someone. In away I like it. You have less drama. But I thought it would be nice to share because I had someone ask me how we met. Now you know.

Tell us about your long distance friendships. Do you have any friends you met in nontraditional sort of way? We are looking forward to hearing from you!

The Big Latch On Event Is Comming!!

Let's break the record for the most women breastfeeding simultaneously
Friday 3rd August & Saturday 4th August

 I know that being a mother can have its ups and downs. Breastfeeding alone can be a roller coaster ride. No one tells you how bad it hurts when you start. But for those who stick with it and master your babies latch can go for years. But there are so many factors in breastfeeding and how successful you are. 

For some women latch, supply and just being a breastfeeding mom comes natural. For others its challenging. There are obstacles that you don't see. When your a soon to be new mommy you don't see an end to the tunnel that we call PREGNANCY. But once your holding your new little baby in your arms all is better. But this marks the beginning of sleepless nights, blood, sweat and tears. Yes all are included. 

While in the hospital you have nurses and lactation consultants on staff and come in to see you whenever you need the help. I was blessed to have great nurses and a lactation consultant came in to help because little man was having some issues and couldn't latch. We were determined to get him on the breast. There is no shame in help. Always ask. He was my second and I had nursed before so I thought it would be easier. NOTE TO SELF: Nothing every comes to easy, if it does it probably wont be worth it. LOL.  After hours of trying to get him to latch we decided to try the nipple shield. I did not want to pump and give it to him in a bottle. Well after that he started eating. The first day we were home he gained 2 oz. The doc said thats not common and he gained like that for a few weeks. The first week we were in the hospital he did loose a full pound and scared me. But we got it going and started gaining and all is well. 

 Ok, As you all can tell I do get distracted very easily. This alone has taken me 5 hours to type up but I am working so that can be a good excuse and I will use it a lot. The reason for this is I found this The Big Latch On today. its the first weekend in August and I would love to host an Event. I just don't know that many breastfeeding mommies in my area. Please feel free to email me for further information. 

Here is the website for more details about the organization. If you live in Oregon and would like to participate please let me know and we can get something together. Thank you. 


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Working And Breastfeeding

Working and Breastfeeding. The title in and of its self should explain it all. I work full time outside of our home. We have two beautiful children. Our Princess and Our Little man. Princess was born March 17th 2:55 pm 6lbs 5 oz 18 inches long. We had 4 blissful months where I got to stay home with her. She exclusively breastfed for 10.5 months. She self weaned. I was devastated.  She refused to latch on and my milk dried up. 4 months later I was pregnant with our little Man.
But back to the beginning. When Princess was 4 months old I went back to work. My schedule and the type of work I was in and my lack of knowledge about my rights as a lactating mother I only pumped once a day at work. I sometimes wish I would have looked into it a little bit more. I was in pain by the time I went to pump and by the time I got home. This I do believe helped lead to my milk supply dropping and her self weaning.
There are days that I wish I was able to stay a stay at home mom. Financially it was no where feasible.  I worked full time through out my pregnancy with little man. I was put on strict bedrest at 34 weeks. So early maternity leave for me.  I was sent directly over to the hospital after my 38 week check up to have an emergency induction. Pitocin started at 3pm. At 6:40 am I was ready to push and at 6:53 Little man was born. 7 lbs 11 oz 19 3/4 inches long. He started to breastfeed with in a couple hours. We had some latching issues just like his sister but once we got started we were a rocking. He loves his boob juice.
When he was 8 weeks old I went back to work. I pump on my breaks and don't ask for any special treatment. But yet I had issues. That will be saved for another post. I pump anywhere from 12 to 20 oz a day. My friends and family like to call me a milk machine.
Early off I decided to set my self on a schedule while at work to be able to pump and be able to completely empty myself so that I don't get an infection. I pump an Hour and a half after I get to work, then at 4 hours when I take my lunch and then an hour before I leave. This is because I want to be full by the time I get to the baby. My sitter makes sure that he is ready to eat when I get there. When I am home with the kids I don't pump unless I absolutely have to. I want to prevent him from refusing the breast when he is with mommy.
Well this has been brief but it just comes to show that it can be done. There will be lots more on pumping and breastfeeding. Also on standing  up for your rights as a lactating Mother. Please feel free to comment and share your story. If you want to remain annoyance please email me.

Your Working Mommy 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Breaking through my fears.

I just wanted to share that tonight was a great night. I ran. Yep I did it. I break through my fears put on my running shoes and went. Walked with my hubby and the kids to the post office then we walked to the main intersection of town and they went straight home while mommy went for a run. You know what. I hurt really I do but I also feel great. I am so excited and extremely proud of myself. I didn't give any excuses, I didn't say I couldn't do it. But now I can say I did do it. And you know what? I will continue to do it. Tomorrow and the next day. I am so hyped about my run tonight that I seriously can't sleep. But I had to share this with someone. It has been far to long since I ran. like 2 kids a wedding and 60 lbs ago. LOL. I am determined to be healthy for my babies.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Stay At Home Mama

I wanted to Introduce our Stay At Home Mommy who happens to be on the east coast. She has a whole different perspective on family and everyday life. Lets welcome her with open arms. Welcome pretty mama.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Oregon Zoo

The Oregon Zoo made a lasting impression on me when I was 8 years old. It was our family vacation to Oregon visiting our Aunt. It was so big and green. Trees everywhere. It rained the whole time but I didn't care.

Growing up my brother, sister and I all loved animals. We grew up raising all sorts of animals. The Zoo was always a great place to go. When we moved to Oregon 2 years after that visit I remember asking to go to the Zoo all the time. It was one of the only field trips in school I truly enjoyed.

My favorite exhibit I would have to say was and still it the penguins. They look so cute and they always interacted with me.

Now that I am a mother I can't wait to take my little girl. She loves animals mostly the reptilian type. If your in the area or plan on visiting the area there is some info below. Please visits for all the info.

Zoo Hours

Jan. 1 - Feb. 28
Open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Grounds stay open
until 5 p.m.
March 1 - May 27
Open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Grounds stay open
until 5 p.m.
May 28 - Sept. 5
Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Grounds stay open
until 7 p.m.
Sept. 6 - Dec. 31
Open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Grounds stay open
until 5 p.m.

The train is my husbands favorite. When your there you have to check it out. 
Zoo Loop
The Zoo Loop is a one-mile route around the perimeter of the zoo grounds.
The train operates weekends only from Feb. 19 through March 18 (first train at 11 a.m.), with daily runs beginning on March 19. From April 16 through May 28, the train will make the Zoo Loop circuit on weekdays and the Washington Park Run on weekends.
All train runs are weather dependent. Call 503-226-1561 to check the daily schedule.
General Ticket Prices Group Prices
General Admission
Infants | under age 3

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Welcome!!! This is my first blog so bare with me. My name is Kelly and I am a full time Mommy, Wife and Employee. People like to say being a stay at home mom is a full time job which it is I know I have done it. But when you have two kids 2 years and 4 months and work full time out side of the home you tend to wounder how your going to survive. My days start early and end super late. I have little time with my babies in the week but I take full advantage of the time I do have on the weekend. My Husband and I have been together since we were 15 years old and still love each other very much. He is my best friend and wouldn't know what to do with out him. That being said I wanted to tell about our journey of becoming a family and how were surviving in the world like it is today. Gas being so dang expensive. Daily struggles and not to mention the precious moments of watching out babies grow. I invite you to add and to share your life as well. Feel free to email me with questions or blog posts you would like to see. What kind of things your interested in and so on. Now if you cant tell already I am horrible at grammar and punctuation. Ill start with this post and start from the beginning and work my way to the now.  Thank you for visiting and taking the time to read my Blog.