Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Update

Hey Ladies how are you all doing?

                  Well I have not posted in a while so here it goes. I have been a stay at home mommy for almost two years now. I have gotten in to the hang of thangs. I think its getting more easyer to do things now the older she gets. I am able to get some cleaning done now she will actualy play in her room with out me having to keep a eye on her as much. Yes, I still walk down the hall to make sure she is ok. She try's to help me clean also now. She loves to help me put laundry in the washer and dryer. She had gotten to the place that she hands me the dishes out the the dish washer. She is just so stinken cute. Has anyone 19 month old not like to take naps either? she has gotten to the place where I can put her down at two pm for a nap and she will not actualy get to sleep till 4 or so.

                I am getting to the place that I am happyer being a stay at home mom it may be harder money wise but I am saving so much money by keeping her out of a day care, place's here where we live it is like 150.00 a week just for day care. That would be almost my whole pay check for two weeks. I am also loving watching her grow and all the new stuff she learns to do. Anyone have any potty traning tips for me? we are gonna start to hit that hard soon. She has hit that stage where she is all the time takeing her clothing off. She has also figured out she can take her diapers off all the time. for some reason she is wanting to all the time run around naked. I guess thats ok for now but the older she gets the more its not ok.

Well going to go for now.

---The Stay At Home Mommy---