Thursday, January 3, 2013

The New Year


       Happy 2013 everyone. I will soon have a two year old little girl. I cant bleieve that she will be two soon.

These past two years have gone by so fast. I have learned many things in the past two years

about my little girl. She has an amazing perosnality, she can light up the room as soon as she comes

in to it. I am wanting another child, I am not wanting to put us in a bind with not being able to afford

another baby. I am so happy to say that my little girl has a wide vocablary and she knows so much. I

I am happy that she is learing so much.

             I have enjoyed being a stay at home mom I continue to pray that god will bless our family in

the way that he has been so I can continue to be able to stay at home with her. I am also considering

going back to school. I am still trying to figure what I am wanting to go back to school for. I have not quite figured it out yet. There are so many things that I love doing.

well till later everyone have an wonderful time and saty safe